US-Thailand Treaty of Amity

US-Thailand Treaty of Amity

US-Thailand Treaty of Amity. The United States and Thailand have enjoyed a long and multifaceted relationship, with the Treaty of Amity and Economic Relations serving as a cornerstone since 1966. This agreement, often referred to simply as the Amity Treaty, offers unique benefits to American citizens and businesses operating in Thailand. Origin The original treaty, […]

Thailand Board of Investment

Thailand Board of Investment

Setting Up a Company under the Thailand Board of Investment can provide many benefits for foreign and local entrepreneurs. However, it is important to understand the requirements and procedures before applying for BOI privilege. Companies promoted by the BOI are eligible for tax incentives such as exemption or reduction of corporate income tax for a […]

Representative Office in Thailand

Representative Office in Thailand

A Representative Office in Thailand is an extension of a foreign company. It cannot generate revenue or conduct sales activities but it can report to its head office on business movements in Thailand. Setting up a Representative Office is much simpler than opening a company in Thailand, but it still requires a lot of paperwork. […]

Thai Limited Company Registration

Thai Limited Company Registration

Setting up a Thailand limited company is the most popular structure for foreign investors. It is a legally separate entity that protects shareholders from unlimited liability. Before you can register your company, you must hold a statutory meeting and submit the articles of incorporation and by-laws. You will also have to establish an accounting system […]